Two weeks ago I revamped a corner of the studio. I had a grouping of intaglio prints and a few collagraphs centered on the theme of childhood sexual abuse. It was my own experience that led me down this path. Printmaking is a long involved process and allows many hours to go over, revisit, look again, take a new perspective, try a new material; anything to keep working the image until you get what you’re looking for. Although I do not hold a credential in Art Therapy, I am a witness to the power of art to heal past wounds. This post is my time to say “thank you” to the art process which has a life of its own to carry the Creative on journeys unthinkable; and in hind sight, the only possible course to present itself. This picture is all that it left of the installation. I spent 10 years looking at these images, rearranging them, and re-accessing their monetary value. That chapter is done. The new work is going up. It will be revealed in the next ART HOP, September 4, 2014.